Magical, Sacred Site Journeys for 2017 – 2018
There is magic around every corner, it is for the eyes that are open to see.
Mexico’s Journey with Quetzalcoatl
Toltec and Mayan Wisdom
Nov 1-12, 2017 (12-Days/11-Nights)
In the heart of Mexico …
Follow the path of Quetzalcoatl as we wind our way, like a the serpent, through the sacred sites of Mesoamerica. Within the small villages south of Mexico City lies a powerful energy center. This is a magical land, still holding it’s ancient beauty and allure.
Highlights of the trip:
- The energy triangle of the pyramids of Tepozteco, Malinalco and Xochicalco.
- Visit the Posa of Quetzalcoatl, where the enlightened leader of the Mexican people was baptized and given his name and role.
- Temezcal or Sweat Lodge Ceremonies
- Pyramid of Sun and Moon at Teotihuacan, where Men Become Gods.
Wild and Wonderful California
Sightseeing with Spiritual Intention
Oct 3-16, 2018 (13 days/12 nights)
From San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge to the Historic Gold Mines of California’s Sierra Mountains. Enjoy a rustic and intimate experience under the giant redwood trees. Native American medicine circles, Cosmic Clock walking tours, Sweat Lodge and more.
Mary Magdalene & St Sarah
Sacred Feminine in France
May 19th – 30th, 2018 (12-Days/11-Nights)
Our France Trip is a true adventure, taking you to places of spiritual and historical significance, sacred sites with strong energy and local charm, while traveling through the Languedoc region of Southern France. As we journey we will go slow, taking time to be with ourselves, time to explore the inner journey and what the experience means to us.
We will enjoy the comforts of the French countryside while staying in large homes and country estates. This is not just a tour designed to take in as many sites as possible, or spend all day on a bus. The daily trips will all be short drives from our home base in Arles and Puivert, with quiet time built in.
We will bring alive the magic of these ancients sites as we offer ceremony and meditation. Each day we share in talking circles where everyone gets the opportunity to speak and be heard, feeling the love and support of our group together. Groups are kept small and intimate, with a lot fun along the way.