Sacred Feminine & Masculine Retreat / Amatlan

Sacred Feminine and Masculine RetreatSacred Feminine & Masculine Retreat

Weekend in Amatlan, Morelos, Mexico
Bilingual – English and Spanish

With Ixchel Tucker, Lady of the Rainbow

October 18th-20th, 2013

Friday 6:30 PM to Sunday 4:00 pm

Understand and Embrace the Sacred Feminine and Masculine in all it’s divine aspects and you will transform your life.

Many people have lost touch with what feminine and masculine really mean. We each have aspects of us has both within us, and there is a time and place for each. When we learn to work with the higher aspects of these inner forces we better know ourselves and how to walk in the world.

Sacred Feminine

We will work with the feminine aspects of Nature: the Night, Full Moon, the Water, the Womb. In ceremony and meditation we go to our inner core and connect to our true self. We work with feminine traits of intuition, connection, sharing and compassion.

Sacred Masculine

From our deeper knowing of ourselves we are able to take this out into the world of Action. We work with the masculine energies of the Fire, the Mountain Peaks, the Sun and the Sky. The masculine is the warrior and protector. We will connect to the masculine energies of action in the world, or providing and making things happen.

Divine Union

In Sacred Union we are able to balance the truth within us and take it out into the world in a powerful way. From our deeper knowing of ourselves and our truth it becomes easy to know our place in the world. We are able to take ‘right action’, rather than be pulled in every direction.


Friday: Welcome and Registration at 6:30 pm, Dinner at 7, Full Moon Ceremony

Saturday: Beginning in the feminine energies we take a walk to Sacred Pools and Blessings with the Water, Evening we move into the masculine energy with a Fire Ceremony

Sunday: Embracing the warrior energy we walk to the mountain peak, connecting to higher consciousness and the energies of the Sun. We bring all to a close with a meditation and talking circle.

Cost: $150 USD (approx. $2,000 pesos) includes all meals, lodging for Friday and Saturday, all activities

SAVE $20 USD. Only $130 USD (approx. $1,750 pesos) with early registration discount, through October 11th.

Register NOW

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